Online PR Workshop

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An Online PR workshop incorporating Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Monday September 2nd, 2.10pm – 5.00pm – Temple Bar Hotel, Dublin
Thursday 29th August, 1.30pm – 4.30pm – Limerick

Book this
A while back, I got a client some coverage in the Irish Times, they saw an increase of 20 visitors that day to their website. A few weeks later they got coverage in an app review blog. In 24 hours, they saw over 500 installs of their app. The Irish Times was good for potential investors reading about them, an app review blog got them consumer installs though. Different spaces for different audiences.

As people get more of their news from other online sources and not just newspapers and radio stations, PR/Comms people need to have a wider understanding of how to get online coverage. This includes the right keywords to use and what sites to pitch to. The same rules apply in some circumstances and other rules for other media. In fairness (ass-kissing moment) many PR firms do this very well and are adapting quickly so this workshop is not for everyone.

I’ve previously done a workshop like this but this is massively updated.

This half-day workshop will cover:

  • 0. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and why even a press release ought to be optimised.
  • 1. Getting your news found in search engines using your own site and media sites.
  • 2. Pitching to bloggers and online news sites without being a spammer.
  • 3. Making your own media: Videos, images (infographics), Slideshare presentations.
  • 4. Spreadable media: Using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn to help spread the good word.
  • 5. How to deal with a crisis (the online perspective).

This is suitable for those that work in a PR/Comms role or for companies that do their own PR. Bring a laptop too if you can. It is expected that you know PR already and can compose your own press releases.

Fee: €147

Public Dates:
Monday September 2nd, 1.30pm – 4.30pm – Dublin
Thursday 29th August, 1.30pm – 4.30pm – Limerick

This can be run in-house too and can be customised. Email if you want prices.