Update May 9th 2012. Dublin workshop is now full.
I’m going to do a Modern PR Workshop in Dublin and Cork in May. If interested, click on the link to the form and fill it in. You could however read this media guide I put together as this is kind of what I’ll be covering too. And that’s free.
What it is:
It’ll be a workshop on how to compose press releases both for the “traditional” media and online media. How to write good stories and create good content to send to media outlets. What will get attention, what will not. How to work with the media and build long-term relationships with them. (This is the most important thing in my view) We will also do a little bit of Online PR to enable media stories to help boost your profile online too. And it’s good for SEO!
Run time:
It’ll be a half day event, from around 0930 to 1300
I’m looking at Monday May 21st for Cork and Monday May 28th for Dublin.
Costs now locked in. €75 for the half day workshop.
Clarion Hotel Cork for May 21st. Temple Bar Hotel for Dublin May 28th.
Fill in the form, first come first something. If you put your name down, you can’t get out of it
Yes please. Have also shared with Social Entrepreneurs Ireland. Will be asking them to fund it out of my capacity funding.
Very interested to hear more about this and the content breakdown.