Mulley Communications do a lot of Digital Marketing/Social Media Training either publicly with classes we run ourselves or with Enterprise Boards or via in-house training. One area we cover is also LinkedIn Training
LinkedIn Training
LinkedIn is a social network for business people to connect with other business people. It’s B2B focused unlike most other social networks that are B2C. There are over 450,000 people in Ireland with a LinkedIn profile We will go over creating a business profile and what aspects are most important before going through tools on LinkedIn that allow you to seek out potential business partners and leads. LinkedIn is sometimes a better way of getting information about a company and their staff than a simple Google search. Most businesses should be using LinkedIn on a regular basis.
On completion of this module attendees will have improved their LinkedIn profiles, will know what keywords to use, how to use their profile as a calling card for their work and how to use their network of contacts to get more leads and business.
Here is the training document for the LinkedIn Training Course: Damien Mulley LinkedIn For Business 2013
If you want to be informed of when the next LinkedIn for Business Training course is, please fill in this form.
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