Your Digital Content Strategy – Today it’s SEO and Social not one OR the other

Well it’s even more than those two but for this post, we’ll look at both.

More work but more rewards for digital marketing these days. 50% of the visitors to this website are now coming here because of Twitter. 50%. So each month a few hundred visitors are coming here just from Tweets about our various courses. Twitter indirectly sells most of the training courses Mulley Comms does and Google searches do the rest.

Information consumes attention
What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.

Your future digital/social content strategy – What you need to do

1. Build pages that are search friendly:
You need good titles, good descriptions, well structured pages, fantastic and inspiring content. Yeah, just that. totally easy right? But at least you have a plan. So this blog post has “digital, content, strategy” as keywords in the title and the description will mention digital marketing and social too. Here’s a preview of them:


The post should tell people what needs to be done and so gives readers content that they feel is valuable and they might share that value on Twitter or Facebook. Use Google Keyword planner or other keyword research tools so see what people are searching for and use some of those keywords in your post/page. Unless you are a website that updates non-stop and Google visits you non-stop too, then it will be days but more likely weeks before this page starts performing well in Google. Weeks is a generation in digital. So social is going to help.

2. Create Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook headlines that are must-click in nature.
Social Media traffic is the quick hit. It is surge in nature. Lots of clicks in a very short time and then traffic falls off a cliff until you Tweet/Facebook about it again. This is the traffic surge from a link that was Tweeted the other day.


Social Media is the first line of attack nowadays with SEO the rear guard that comes in and finishes the job. For what’s on your website, you need to be strategic with the keywords so that over long periods of time, Google will bring you traffic. To get people in social media to click on links to this content though, you need to think like a PR person or a headline maker for a tabloid. The title of this post is useful to a degree, very findable in Google but what about social? What gets the clicks? Well what makes you click on things on Twitter or Facebook? What works for me are amazing stats and then a promise to reveal more. This post could be marketed/PR’d on Twitter as:

  • Well written Tweets are generating thousands in revenue for me yearly. Here’s how:
  • A single Facebook status update or Tweet can send 100s of visitors to my site. Some become clients. A guide for you:
  • Cheatsheet: Writing good website content and creating great social media headlines = How to get business in digital.

Here is a great guide form Upworthy on how to cook great social media headlines. Social Media is noisy though so you also need to be strategic here. Timing is everything. Various tools like Buffer will help you to find the best times to Tweet/Facebook out during the day/evening and time updates to go out then during those “social media prime times”. Once you get a handle on that, line up the most important tweets and Facebook updates for the week/month then it becomes a good deal easier to have your content seen, shared and clicked.

And here’s the sell.

A post with good content that you spent an hour writing has to have some kind of action item! I’m doing a course on Social Media Content Creation on May 28th in Dublin. Why not book a place?