Niall Harbison on the benefits of Twitter and Blogs and Vids

Very good talk at Connector by Niall Harbison

This is a very good talk giving a layperson’s guide to how blogs, videos, social networking etc. can help a business and how to go about doing it. Like how Niall warns that success is not going to be overnight. It won’t be. Remember too Niall is a trained chef that came into this area from that business and I think with that background is probably more qualified to talk to businesses on what to do that those that claim their experts just because they have a blog. (I’m looking at you here Mulley)

One thought on “Niall Harbison on the benefits of Twitter and Blogs and Vids”

  1. Thanks Damien & I hope you will be available to speak at Connector in February as discussed at the Golden Spiders !

    There are lots of people who’d love to hear your story & your views too.

    I’ll be in touch again soon.

    Be good

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