So what happens when someone with about 100,000 Twitter followers Tweets about you?
Recently Jamie Heaslip tweeted a link out about a project:

It gets 9 Retweets and 11 favourites.
Since Jamie used as a way to link, we can measure the clicks:
So it got 1096 clicks and you can see all of them were in the first few hours and then nothing.

400 in first hour. timestamp is EDT, 8pm EDT = 1pm Ireland. (add a + to any link you see and you too can see the stats)

So 1% of Jamie’s followers clicked that link. 99% didn’t. We could argue that it was a Saturday so less clicks but sport fans might be tuned in more that day too though and just before 1pm would seem like a good time, no?
So what if you’re just a small fish in a big pond?
Have a look at this Tweet from Sex Siopa, a Sex Shop looking for help. Boy do they get it:

133 Retweets later and a few new followers for them. They get mentioned on and and other places. They seem small and genuine so people in a way are more interested in helping them out. To date they only have 401 followers but this small fish makes a lot of waves in the big pond.
133 Retweets means that Tweet was easily shared into the timelines of 40,000 ore more people. (The average active Twitter user is followed by about 2-300 accounts.)
So being rough about the numbers, that sex shop with all their RTs got half as much reach as Jamie Heaslip’s Tweet. So you don’t necessarily need to have big numbers if you have a genuine message to share or if the message is fun or controversial or anti-establishment.
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