PR agencies in Ireland and how they interact online

We’ve created a page listing PR companies in Ireland. It’s one long flat page right now but we hope in time to create a proper directory listing all of these and their various presences online. If we’re missing some or some of the details need changing, leave a comment, send an email, arrange a photoshoot outside our office…

8 thoughts on “PR agencies in Ireland and how they interact online”

  1. Edelman website in development at the moment, hopefully will be launched in the next week or two, will send on the link for the update then. Good few of us with twitter accounts, don’t see the need for a company twitter account as a result. The site will have RSS and additional content.

  2. Insight Consultants is developing its website at the moment and we are moving gradually towards a more experiential website and away from a 2-D brochure style site. Will let you know when it’s finished. R

  3. Thank you for the mention Damien. We did consider publishing client press releases on our site but held off for two main reasons. Firstly, there is a school of thought that duplicate content online is penalised by search engines. We distribute our releases online and the digital footprint of them can be quite repetitive. Whilst this is fine for distributed SEO optimised releases it may not serve our website’s trust rating.

  4. Damien – FYI, we – MKC Communications – do have a company Twitter account. We’re at @MKCComm. Other elements of our site to be upgraded in the near future. Will update accordingly. Best…C

  5. Interesting and helpful prompt – good work. I’d be of similar mind to Piaras on a company Twitter – pretty much everybody has a Twitter account but some are a lot less active than others so we’d have to keep everything under review. Our website has just been changed and the intention is to ‘work it up’ into something more active and engaging as resources allow. Again, I think this is very helpful – although there are a few names missed out I think. Thanks. Padraig

  6. Similar sentiments to Piaras. We have company Twitter and Facebook accounts but most activity takes place on personal accounts including LinkedIn. Good reminder on more to do!!

  7. Name and website address:
    RSS Feed Not Yet – in development
    Press Releases
    Bookmarking around Releases Not Yet – in development
    SEO Optimised Press Releases Not Yet – in development
    Date of Last News Item 30-Jun-09 (oops)
    Additonal Content, e.g. Podcasts, Videos Not Yet – in development

  8. I’ve found over 150 Irish on Twitter who are in PR – many for companies in the list. Many are on Twitter in their own name and some seem to be testing the waters in a low profile manner at the moment. You’ll find them If you work backwards from the start of the “following” group in @IEPressReleases (currently from page 16 -> page 7, although these no.s will change).

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