Social media stats and links – July 15th 2009

Brilliant post from Edelman Digital. It’s not a numbers thing. Not about followers, not about the “influencers”. As Jason says and says so well:

what we need to offer our client is the opportunity to become trusted influencers themselves

YouTube is blowing away the competition in the UK.

April UK online video views were up 47 percent to 4.7 billion from the year before, clocking up 971 million ad views in the process, comScore says. But the winner is clear – YouTube is still swallowing the lion’s share of views, with videos watched 2.4 billion times in the month, up 58 percent from last year.

Face to Face will always beat banner ads, social media ads and whatever comes next but each iteration, we do get closer using tech to that face to face power.

Got your Facebook username? Well done. Make sure the Facebook Page doesn’t outrank you in Google though.