Dear 2010. Please.


No more
fucking flash mobs. How out of touch and desperate for attention is a company and their advisors to do something from 2007?

No more virals. Or rather no more “we do virals” or “we will be releasing a viral”.

No more press releases about a company using Twitter. You do realise it’s like announcing you have an email address? AND USING CAPS to do it.

Please do something instead that makes me feel. Create something so wonderful that it makes me stop and turn on my heels and react. The piece of music coming from a busker as you walk down the street that bumps off you, gets absorbed and turns your spine into a xylophone of feeling. Yes that. Give me material for a story to tell or give me a story that I can make my own as I pass it on to someone else.

Creativity should be at the core of business, tech and that social media lark. Not cloning. So please 2010, can we see creativty take the lead in many aspects of life and business?

Social media stats and links – July 15th 2009

Brilliant post from Edelman Digital. It’s not a numbers thing. Not about followers, not about the “influencers”. As Jason says and says so well:

what we need to offer our client is the opportunity to become trusted influencers themselves

YouTube is blowing away the competition in the UK.

April UK online video views were up 47 percent to 4.7 billion from the year before, clocking up 971 million ad views in the process, comScore says. But the winner is clear – YouTube is still swallowing the lion’s share of views, with videos watched 2.4 billion times in the month, up 58 percent from last year.

Face to Face will always beat banner ads, social media ads and whatever comes next but each iteration, we do get closer using tech to that face to face power.

Got your Facebook username? Well done. Make sure the Facebook Page doesn’t outrank you in Google though.

Knowledge is Power – June 25th 2009

Some more stats from Facebook via Nic:
Facebook’s 200m members add 4bn pieces of info, 850m photos and 8 million videos every month.

Via Rory in the Beeb:

Google says video uploads from mobiles to YouTube up 400% due to iPhone 3GS

The Social Media Quiz for Govt orgs.

Habitat totally fucked up by hijacking Twitter discussions about Iran to pimp their products. How utterly damaging.

Facebook Profile results in Google now give more details.

but when a Facebook user’s profile is returned in Google’s search results, you can now see the user’s location (or network) and a random selection of their friends, as shown on their public profile.

SEO tips for building your personal brand. Personal brand, eugh what a phrase.

Knowledge is Power – February 5th 2009

Dell are doing twitter specific discount codes.

EConsultancy wrote up the minutes of the Jan 09 MeasurementCamp. Here they are. (PDF)

Kerry has a list of Twitter tools and toys.

Pew’s latest online survey of adults with a good lock at social networking.

Vans release an iPhone game. Brilliant. Hit up skaters when they’re being skaters during non-skaters time. Get what we mean? 🙂

Channel 4’s iPhone app is damned clever too.

Three ways to better listening.

Knowledge is Power – January 26th 2009

The Netimperative Dublin Digital Roadshow is this Wednesday. Free entry but register ASAP.

Via Niall Harbison Tubemogul allows you to upload videos to most video sites in one go.

Handy site for those in bands or the music business. Bandmetrics.

Financial PR? You’re going to be busy this year.

Best Internet Marketing posts of 2008.

Facebook versus mySpace. January edition.

Mobile Youth – Loyalty is this digital age.

Wells Fargo’s corp blog is very clever.

10 facts about mobile youth in 2009

Knowledge is Power – January 2nd 2009

Fred Wilson and Broadstuff talk about life in banner ads/display ads still. You don’t get brand recognition/reenforcement with search ads.

Things a company can’t and shouldn’t do on Facebook.

Here’s a wakeup call. The kids don’t care about cars anymore. How can you market to them now car makers?

You in PR? 51 not very technical things you should have a grasp of.

Ten Recipes for Persuasive Content.

Want to do video demos? Have a look at the Debut software. It’s freeware.

Their language. The BBC does something very clever. For a kids comedy show they have the kids improvise their lines. Letting the kids talk in their own language, not the dialog of older script writers. Who writes the copy for your ads? Who looks after PR for the kids products that kids buy? Mmm.

Richard did a great presentation on Web Architecture and SEO. Have a looksee.

Knowledge is Power – December 24th 2008

No we’re not closed for Christmas. Did you not get our e-card that told you you’ve got a goat with your name on it in Africa? Shucks, sorry.

Emily Tully, previously of TodayFM fame is now running her own PR company and has uploaded her recent presentation on PR for startups that she gave at the Digital Hub.

Broadstuff reports on the recent Facebook Group gaming that’s been doing on. It’s not just groups, I know of a famous brand where their fan page wasn’t actually theirs and none of the half a million fans realised it.

Eolai sells more paintings rapidly thanks to Twitter.

Pat Phelan sticks it to the Social Media sharks. It’s unfortunate that this new business area is full of amazingly talented and genuine people but the snakeoil salesmen have jumped on board too. It took years for the SEO business to get tainted by all these people but it seems to have taken months for social media ninja coach strategists to come along.

Techcrunch does a breakdown on the Facebook and mySpace ad platforms and which are better.

Nice report on video gaming trends.

More links during the “time off”.

Random image of something not linked to this post but added for colour:
Welcome To ...
Photo owned by u07ch (cc)

Knowledge is Power – December 22nd 2008

This opinion piece in the Sunday Business Post is truely awful. Running an Online Marketing Campaign by learning lessons from how criminals do spam attacks? No no no.

So a rate card for Facebook leaked out and then another. 300k for a sponsored group? Youch.

Brilliant. Alex Tew builds a game that ties into the shoe-throwing George Bush press conference. It’s done within hours of the event and sold for 5k within days of it. It’s called Sock and Awe. The shoe throwing is still news about a week later. If a little flash game can be built within hours of an event, why is is taking your webdev team a year to do your new website or 6 months to build a new tool for you? Today you’re 6 months late if that tool takes 6 months to build.

And speaking of being timely.

Forrester tells you how to choose a social network if you want to market in Europe.

Social media predictions for 2009.

Broadstuff shows the Cost Per Click model ain’t that good these days.