Social Media for today’s tomorrows

A whole heap of links before Christmas for you.

Musician uses Google Streetview to market himself.

Pepsi have announced they will no longer do Super Bowl ads. This is significant.

Meanwhile Twitter uses Foursquare to help charities.

Social media and health. Strong stats here.

Forrester says 2010 is the year marketing dies? Nice trollish title.

Via Rax is this nice Guinness and GoogleEarth tie-in for their new ad campaign.

Social media metrics, a superlist.

Online Communications bits on a Sunday – Nov 22nd 2009

How many social media experts does it take to change a lightbulb?

This is how we’re only a few steps away from millions on Facebook. Playing with Facebook Ad system and using targeting based on Facebook Pages I’m admin on (which only have a few hundred fans) I get this:
14,240 people who live in Ireland whose friends are already connected to Online Marketing in Ireland
51,060 people who live in Ireland whose friends are already connected to Online Marketing in Ireland or Online PR in Ireland

Good post on Online Reputation.

Barcode scanning comes to the iPhone. Quite a big development really.

Well done Porter Novelli on being transparent.

Top 10 Social Networking Websites & Forums – October 2009.

Kaboom! Facebook passes the Million Mark in Ireland

1,010,980 people who live in Ireland are now on Facebook, according to Facebook ad stats.

900k in August.
400k in January.

544,080 people who live in Ireland who are female – 53.8%
416,380 people who live in Ireland who are male – 46.2%
(960,460 filled in Gender details)

Age stats:
665,060 people who live in Ireland age 25 and older – 65.8%
440,120 people who live in Ireland age 30 and older – 43.5%
156,640 people who live in Ireland age 40 and older – 15.5%

Older generation versus younger generation:
59,580 people who live in Ireland age 50 and older
74,840 people who live in Ireland are under 18

309,980 people between the ages of 18 and 25 inclusive
450,060 people between the ages of 20 and 30 inclusive

In 5 year increments:
236,460 people between the ages of 20 and 25 inclusive
262,180 people between the ages of 25 and 30 inclusive
191,760 people between the ages of 30 and 35 inclusive
125,200 people between the ages of 35 and 40 inclusive
67,180 people between the ages of 40 and 45 inclusive
40,520 people between the ages of 45 and 50 inclusive
25,760 people between the ages of 50 and 55 inclusive
17,400 people between the ages of 55 and 60 inclusive
20,980 people who live in Ireland age 60 and older

Facebook hits 900k in Ireland

Following on from other snapshots on Facebook usage in Ireland. It’s August 1st and when we look at Facebook numbers in Ireland by going to the Facebook Ad System, it’s telling us that Facebook has doubled in size in the past 7 months, probably in the past 6 months really given 400k were on it in January.

So right now the stats:

  • 905,980 people in Ireland are now on Facebook. In January there were just over 400k.
  • 612,380 people are age 25 and older – 67%
  • 399,440 people are age 30 and older – 44%
  • 134,660 people are age 40 and older – 14%

Remember though that information is optional for most demographics. So while we have 900k, only half have indicated their relationship status:

439,520 people have indicated they are single, in a relationship, engaged or married for example

The older and younger generation:
52,040 people are age 50 and older
55,820 people are under 18

Other stats:

  • 260,420 people are between the ages of 18 and 25
  • 435,460 people are between the ages of 20 and 30

In 5 year increments:

  • 205,860 people are between the ages of 20 and 25
  • 258,400 people are between the ages of 25 and 30
  • 178,920 people are between the ages of 30 and 35
  • 112,920 people are between the ages of 35 and 40
  • 58,880 people are between the ages of 40 and 45
  • 35,640 people are between the ages of 45 and 50
  • 23,280 people are between the ages of 50 and 55
  • 15,560 people are between the ages of 55 and 60
  • 18,580 people are age 60 and older

2,180 Irish people have Pirate as their language of choice on Facebook

85,620 people are at secondary school

Social media stats and links – July 15th 2009

Brilliant post from Edelman Digital. It’s not a numbers thing. Not about followers, not about the “influencers”. As Jason says and says so well:

what we need to offer our client is the opportunity to become trusted influencers themselves

YouTube is blowing away the competition in the UK.

April UK online video views were up 47 percent to 4.7 billion from the year before, clocking up 971 million ad views in the process, comScore says. But the winner is clear – YouTube is still swallowing the lion’s share of views, with videos watched 2.4 billion times in the month, up 58 percent from last year.

Face to Face will always beat banner ads, social media ads and whatever comes next but each iteration, we do get closer using tech to that face to face power.

Got your Facebook username? Well done. Make sure the Facebook Page doesn’t outrank you in Google though.

Social Media tidbits – July 2nd 2009

Online PR is more than a numbers game says Bespoke. Too right.

We are social worked on a fascinating Loop the Loop campaign.

Numbers. You can measure it. Supermegapost about measuring and evaluating sponsorships and events.

A workable advertising model?

Content is free and advertisers pay because they can target by default. If consumers choose to turn targeting off, they can pay or forgo the content.

This is how to use an iPhone to market. Add value. See what Absolut did?

Online Marketing tidbits – June 29th 2009

Nike+ fascinates me. The amount of data it gathers and shares and the way it connects people together is utterly fantastic. A great example of community building. Bring people together and give them the tools to share and they’ll inform you of what you can do for them. This Wired article goes though great detail about it.

Nike has attracted the largest community of runners ever assembled—more than 1.2 million runners who have collectively tracked more than 130 million miles and burned more than 13 billion calories.

And you can upload your jogging data to Twitter.

Top 5 PR sins.

How Edelman works with Mommy bloggers.

Looks like your Facebook status updates will now be world-public. Expect ads showing up in your profile based on them too.

Here’s how to get your Facebook username back.

Knowledge is Power – June 25th 2009

Some more stats from Facebook via Nic:
Facebook’s 200m members add 4bn pieces of info, 850m photos and 8 million videos every month.

Via Rory in the Beeb:

Google says video uploads from mobiles to YouTube up 400% due to iPhone 3GS

The Social Media Quiz for Govt orgs.

Habitat totally fucked up by hijacking Twitter discussions about Iran to pimp their products. How utterly damaging.

Facebook Profile results in Google now give more details.

but when a Facebook user’s profile is returned in Google’s search results, you can now see the user’s location (or network) and a random selection of their friends, as shown on their public profile.

SEO tips for building your personal brand. Personal brand, eugh what a phrase.

Numbers and new thinking in social media – Monday June 22nd 2009

A new academic paper on ReTweeting on Twitter. 8,000+ words about ReTweeting. That’s 50,000+ characters which is about 364 full Twitter messages. Uhm, overkill anyone? If you ignore the awful academic language and the stupid opinions about no proper rules, there are some good stats there:

  • 52% of retweets contain a URL
  • 18% of retweets contain a hashtag
  • 11% of retweets contain an encapsulated retweet (RT @user1 RT @user2 …message..)
  • 9% of retweets contain an @reply that refers to the person retweeting the post

Value is king. Helge hits the nail on the head when talking about the future of marketing. Add value, don’t get in the way of someone, don’t broadcast. Helge once again shows why he’s at the cutting edge of online marketing.


Foreverism encompasses the many ways that consumers and businesses are embracing conversations, relationships, and products that are never done. Driving its popularity is technology that allows them to find, follow, interact and collaborate forever with anyone & anything.

Ad recollection stats. Ads that run on websites with related content are 61% more likely to be recalled than ads running on sites with unrelated content.

The study also revealed that social network, shopping, and food sites generate the highest recall levels (29% to 39%)

Making sense of search positioning. Harder than it looks, right?